Friday, November 17, 2006

She's starting to behave like a 2yo! Yeah!!

Last night, I was so proud of Emma- she sleeps with me, and I've always stayed with her til she's fallen asleep. She couldn't fall asleep, but lay contentedly on her side, talking to her (new favorite) large teddy bear. Mixed in with some fake snoring (I kid you not). So eventually I quietly got up and left the room.. she talked to herself for awhile and then fell asleep. A major achievement in her sense of security. AND she slept thru the night, first time here :-)

Tonight she again couldn't settle after the usual bedtime routine. So I again left the room after some time. This time she popped off the bed, and out the bedroom door, laughing (first time she's gotten off the bed by herself). I picked her up dispassionately, put her back in bed, with the words- it's time to go to bed, Mama loves you. Rinse and repeat, 58 times over the course of 1.5 hours (who needs a weight set, and yes, this engineer kept a log book). She never got the least bit upset, clearly just testing, trying new delay tactics, singing, laughing, etc. And then fell asleep. So, it feels like she is a reasonably adjusted 2yo, after only a few weeks.. I never thought she'd be so far along, so soon. (I know, I'm curious about what tomorrow night brings too)

Pics are from this morning's outing- we met up with bubbleman at Greenlake ( and Emma enjoyed the show.

1 comment:

Christi and Abbey said...

Just got to catch up on your photos and blog. She is so precious! Please don't stop, I'd love to follow her progress. I am so happy for you all. I just love my little baby so much!