Thursday, October 23, 2008

Scary fall

Emma took a bad fall from the play structure at her little preschool... climbing on the rounded outside of a tunnel, where it wasn't designed for kids to go... it was on the backside of the structure, out of direct view of the teacher. Needless to say, they are making some changes and it looks like a new play structure will be implemented. It happened 5 minutes before I arrived to pick her up, Emma was so shaken she couldn't communicate.. I immediately packed her in her carseat and drove her to our Children's Hospital ER, where we spent the next 6 hours getting xrays, a CT, etc. Fortunately no damage to the bones.

Emma spent a week in a neck collar- and is rapidly recovering. But it will take her longer to feel secure again. Our old nemesis, separation anxiety, is back.. We will get past this in time again, on her schedule.